Saturday, January 7, 2012

Deadly U.S. Marshal Shooting

"Are you psychic?"

That's what the Chief Deputy District Attorney asked me in a voicemail early Friday morning. She was returning a message I left the previous evening.

My call asked about laws surrounding police officers and lethal use of force.

Less than two hours after that first call, two U.S. Marshals shot and killed a 20 year old they were trying to arrest. It happened in a crowded parking lot in front of Albertson's.

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I was one of the first reporters on scene and spent the next few hours giving live reports, tracking down police, shooting video, trying to find out what happened.

Information slowly started emerging from police, family, and witnesses. It was a 20 year old Medford man, Jimmy Georgeson, who had been arrested in the past and served time for assaulting a U.S. Marshal.

Co-worker Steven stayed late and did a major portion of the work in putting together all the information for the 11:00 broadcast.

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The next day we had complete coverage once the dust started settling, and the victim's family became very unsettled.

Jimmy's family talks about their late son's history of mental illnesses and being behind bars in Juvenile Hall, jail, and prison.

They admit Jimmy did not have the best record, but they believe he was unarmed and killed without justice.

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The Marshals who fired their weapons are on paid leave, Medford Police is investigating, the family is preparing a lawsuit.

This will be a long, time-consuming, and evolving story. It's got an incredibly interesting beginning.

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