Thursday, March 10, 2011

I've been busy

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Weekdays have kept me busy (10+ hour work days) and weekends have been filled with fun (sledding, skiing, and friends).

Here's a quick picturesque run-through of the past few weekends (sledding in Union Creek, skiing Mt. Ashland, and drinks and dancing on Saturdays)

It's not that I dislike blogging, writing, and updating my friends and family about what I'm doing. I just am having a lot of fun taking adventures. Like this weekend, I'm heading to Portland for the Shamrock Run 5K.

Sadly, no new posts in the very near future... but there's a lot of stuff brewing...
Including, why this time last year was one of the best stretches of my life, some general and specific thoughts about journalism, and a look back 2010 (I know I've promised that one for a while, but it's coming, Grandpa).

It's coming... just not right now.

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