Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Swoboda Stays in SO

One of my best friends, Lindsay Swoboda, passed through Medford this weekend. Consequently, it was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time.

Say's birthday 2009

"Say" and I were in the same Orientation group at Saint Mary's, she was literally my first friend there, we had classes together almost every semester, trained for and played water polo, and travelled to New Orleans for Jan Term together. After graduation she took a volunteer opportunity in Missoula, Montana where she worked at a Women's Crisis Center. She's leaving Montana, en route to San Jose to volunteer for a second year with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.

Say and I on our last night in New Orleans

She's the person I've kept in closest contact with in the past 14 months and it was an absolute pleasure to have her in town. We went out to eat, out to dance, and then breakfast Sunday morning. It was a whirlwind 17-some hours, but some of the best times I've had here in a long time.

Here's to having more friends pass through.

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